Uesaka Lab.
This is the Website The University of Tokyo UESAKA laboratory, we are working on applied research with accelerator development and accelerator variety, and medical physics. And development of small X-ray generator using X-band linac, the technology (S-band (2.856 GHz) twin linac, X band (11.424 GHz) Compton scattering monochromatic variable X-ray source, 12 TW-50 fs laser) of the laser beam, medicine I am conducting research aimed at application-nanotechnology applications.
Medical applications to form a medical and engineering cooperation radiation therapy group, we aim to radiation from medical state-of-the-art engineering approaches. Others, and the development of non-destructive inspection system for large structures such as bridges that utilize compact accelerator, integrity applied research metallic materials using neutrons and synchrotron radiation, for tumor found in MRI using magnetic susceptibility artifacts it is involved in the research in cooperation with private companies and research institutes various engineering studies and axis and the development of plant maintenance technology based development of imaging technology, the electromagnetism, quantum beam.
Undergraduate students in the lab. belong to A course (Enviroment & Energy course, namely E&E course) of Systems Innovation, Faculty of Engineering. Graduate students in the lab. belong to Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management and Department of Bioengineering, School of Engineering.
We make a coorperative research group with Associate Professor Shinichi YAMASHITA's laboratory. They are studying radiation chemistry and related topics. Radiation chemistry is not simply chemistry triggered by ionizing radiations but involves other related physics, biology, applications, etc.
上坂教授を中心とした取り組みは,先進小型加速器/レーザーの開発,原子力,医学,産業社会インフラ健全性診断等への応用,医学・産業・原子力分野における放射線の有効利用と弊害の低減,高度放射線検出の研究等です。Sバンド (2.856 GHz) 電子ライナック・Erフェムト秒ファイバーレーザー同期システム,Xバンド (9.3-11.424 GHz) ライナックを用いた可搬型X線・中性子発生装置の開発や,放射線生物学研究への提供を目指した卓上Yrファイバーレーザー誘電体マイクロビーム源の開発,核医学用放射性同位元素製造用電子ライナックガンマ線源,Xバンドコンプトン散乱単色可変X線源の技術で,医学応用・産業応用を目指し研究を進めています。